The Zac Anesbury Show: Your Marketing Podcast

The Zac Anesbury Show Season 2 #EPISODE 5 (Bob Moore)

Zac Season 2 Episode 5


On today’s podcast clip, we have our very first return guest, Bob Moore.

Bob is the podcast's, which is undoubtedly an honour for me and the audience.

Bob has had an extensive career in brand management and customer insights in the United States for some brands you would recognise, such as Campbell’s Soup, Sara Lee, Nabisco, and SC Johnson. 

We talk about what Bob has learned by seeing the Laws of Growth in action and his growing and enduring affiliation with the Ehrenberg-Bass Institute, which stems from his sabbatical. 

Being polygamously loyal, Bob listens to other podcasts and recommends a few of his favourite hosts and guests before giving us insights into his social media habits.

Bob provides timely insights into how consumers will behave given inflation and cost-of-living pressures. He then shifts his attention to his views on the future of virtual reality and artificial intelligence in marketing.

Hosting Bob again was a real treat; his generosity with his time and expertise is evidenced throughout. 

So, without further ado – Bob Moore.


Season 2 Episode 5

Guest Profile
Bob Moore
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Host Profile
Dr. Zac Anesbury
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