The Zac Anesbury Show: Your Marketing Podcast

The Zac Anesbury Show Season 2 #EPISODE 4 (Professor Colin Campbel)

Zac Season 2 Episode 4

Welcome to today's podcast. 
We have Professor Colin Campbell. Colin is an Associate Professor of Marketing at the University of San Diego in California, United States. 
 Colin is also famous for being the editor-in-chief of the Journal of Advertising Research. 
 One of our field's top-tier journals bridges the gap between academia and industry. 
 Colin has had a truly international career, landing various positions at prestigious universities. 
 His excellent giving nature meant that he never declined a review. Still, these good deeds have paid off, having been invited to many editorial review boards and eventually becoming the editor-in-chief of J A R. 
We discussed together the value of research in marketing education, and we then compared and contrasted the different approaches to research, whether that's specializing or having a generalizable research agenda. 
Colin provides terrific insights into one of his latest articles, which discusses the role of deep fakes and artificial intelligence in advertising. 
You're not gonna wanna miss that one. 
We wrap up our conversation by gaining some amazing tips from Colin about how to use our time to the most maximum efficiency and how we can land our first job in marketing. 
 So without further ado, Professor Colin Campbell.

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