The Zac Anesbury Show

The Zac Anesbury Show Season 2 #EPISODE 3 (Danielle Talbot)


Welcome !

On today's podcast 
We have Danielle Talbot. 
Danielle is a marketing coordinator in postgraduate course work at the
University of Adelaide. 
Danielle was really kind of fortunate because she knew exactly what she wanted to do when she was younger. 
She always knew that she wanted to find a role and a career in marketing. 
And boy, did she make the most of that advantage. 
She got involved in all sorts of things, like internships, committees, mentorship, programmes, all of these incredibly high achieving things, which is obviously hand in hand with such a high achieving woman. 
Danielle shares her insights as to how she stays up to date with what is happening in marketing and what is going on in the marketing world because she uses that to maximise her own opportunities. 
we talk about the fantastic future we all have in creating a new university, , the creation of Adelaide University and the intellectually stimulating marketing decisions that are naturally going to be made along that journey. 
We end our talk by discussing the fact that rejection may actually be redirection when you have a look at the grand scheme of things in life. 
I personally think that's a wonderful t-shirt idea that she should run with. 
She then talks about how you shouldn't then get discouraged if
something doesn't fall your way because the next opportunity will be just around the corner. 
So without further ado, Danielle Talbot. 

Guest Profile
Danielle Talbot
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Dr. Zac Anesbury
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